Thursday, September 8, 2011

Money...It's a hit

Last night we started the Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey, if you haven't read his book yet I highly recommend it!

He recommends making finacial "baby steps" so that they are manageable, but being the overachiever that I am, I am ready to do all 10 steps tomorrow. And I am pretty sure that selling your stuff and having no place to sleep is not the wisest financial decicion, even if you are debt free. So I will take my least today.

I often get overwhelmed by the debt we have accumulated but when I stop and think all that has finacially happend to us in the last 4.5 years, I think we are doing pretty good....

Got married, first apartment, career change, major car repairs, unexpected no pay for 2 months, moved to Texas for 3 months, got pregnant with twins, moved to England, rented 2 houses, bought six used cars, had our 3rd baby, insane electric/ oil bills, trips to the states, and not to mention clothing and feeding three kids with increasing living costs...All on one income.

And now we moved back to the states 9 months ago and had to buy appliances, two cars, and a house!

Now, I am not telling you these things not so you can feel sorry for me, but to encourage you that you are not alone in trying to live and stay out of debt!

Life happens and it often happens faster than we think it will. And for us we have never had a moment to get prepared! But we are better prepared now with a nice little emergency fund.

Oh,......there are so many things I would have done differently if I could go back in time ( like save the money I got from my wedding! Or just save!).

But we were young and dumb and thought life couldn't touch us, well it did, it grabbed us by the collar and dragged us through the mud!

But thanks to encouragment from my Mom, Dave Ramsey, and Larry Burkett ( another financial genius), we are heading down a road to financial freedom. We are on our way and looking forward to enjoying the fruits of our labor.

I encourage you not to give up on getting out of debt or to even start digging yourself out of debt, it will be so worth it! The path will be hard and there will be set backs but it doesn't need to stop you!

If you have any questions let me know or if you have any getting out of debt tips I would love to hear them!

Definitely checkout these two books because you are going to need a game plan:


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