Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Potty Training: Should have bought the book!

I have ventured into the scary world of potty training recently, one that I had been dreading since the Doctor announced we were having twins. Training two at a time turns into utter chaos real fast! There's just not enough hands to keep a kid on the potty, wipe a butt and make sure the bathroom isn't being flooded. And on top of that, I have two boys who want to "Stand and pee like Daddy."  This lead to me teaching them to pee on the fence, and so now during the day I let the dog and the boys out to pee! We could run a circus here!

Most recently, as in yesterday, I tried to solve the problem of taking the boys to the potty without having to get up at the crack if dawn.... My solution to this problem was to put their training toilet in their room... I got it all set up, laid down a nice dog training pad (that i got for free, love my samples!!) and then sat the potty on top of it. I thought I was being so smart and protecting the floor, I really should know better. I reminded the boys that they were to go in the potty but not to touch the poop, and that I would take care of it. Well, the next morning I found two very excited boys,"Mommy, I went in the potty!"  Yes, one point for Mommy! I walk over to the potty, to find it oddly empty, only remnants of a once full potty remained... boysss!!!!!!!... where is the poopy !?! "I don't know..." So much for protecting the carpet with the doggy pad! I began tearing apart the room but didn't find the poop anywhere, until it hit me. It had to be in their favorite hiding spot, the floor vent! (We often find the vent full of toys and stuffed animals) And sure enough there it was the morning movement, in all it's stinky glory!  My first thought was, at least it wasn't on the carpet!  And they actually went on the potty and not in their diapers! On the other hand scooping poop and pee out of a vent was not how I wanted to spend my morning. Either way I was so proud of them for taking the initiative to go the bathroom and to not go in their diapers!
Now before you go thinking I am super mom and have all the patients in the world... I don't. This is my life edited to only include the moments where I shine as a person ; ) I have to start my mornings praying for patience and my evenings praying for forgiveness.

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