Friday, August 5, 2011

Frugality Friday: The Bathroom Edition

I am a unfocused worker, I get so many projects going on, that I often forget what projects I have going on! My whole house is a giant project right now, it needs updating desperately ( brown carpet that smell like cat urine is not attractive at all!) Note to self: Make sure you find out if the house you are buying was a rental property before bidding, it will save you a lot of frustration... So anyways in order to curb my project ADD I decided to start on the smallest space and work at it until it was totally finished. This happened to be my bathroom. And since it is frugal Friday I am going to show you how I did it for cheap!

This is a before picture, please don't judge my unclean bathroom!
The bottom portion of the wall used to be brown paneling but I repainted it and forgot to take a picture first :(

Our bathroom was in good condition the tile, toilet/ shower, etc were all in good shape, it just needed a face lift. I repainted all the walls, took down some wallpaper, repainted the cupboards, changed the light fixture, and painted the mirror.
This all may sound like it cost a lot of money but it didn't!
Bathroom after some more painting and the light fixture, total cost at this point: $8 for a gallon of paint + $10 for light fixture= $18
I loved the mirror in the bathroom but hated the color so I spray painted it! I also spray painted the door pulls on the cupboards to match. Total cost for a like new mirror and knobs = $4
The next step was to paint the bathroom the color I wanted, we used the contractor grade paint and it only cost $17. I figure that we will either move or want a new color in the bathroom by the time this paint wears out, so no need to buy the super expensive lifetime warranty stuff!

And this is the (semi) finished project! I still need to paint the bottom cupboard but my inability to finish a project kicked in and it will now have to wait for another day ;) My total cost was approx. $50, not bad for a new looking bathroom!

  • Find out if Habitat for Humanity has a local re-store around your area, they get donations from contractors and than re-sell the products to help raise support for their work! The stuff is usually really inexpensive and your helping a great cause!
  • Check the clearance sections at home improvement stores!                                                           
  • Do it yourself! YouTube has so many how to videos now that you can do virtually anything for yourself now!
  • Decide between a need and a want, often I think I need something replaced when I really only want it replaced. If it's a want and I don't have the money to replace it I try to find a cheap temporary solution ( like spray painting the knobs).
Well that is all Folks! Make sure you get in on the Mary Kay Mascara giveaway too!

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